############################################################################# I M P O R T A N T csdf-rtschedtools has been renamed into darts. No new releases will be posted under http://daedalus.liacs.nl/csdf-rtschedtools For future releases and updates, please check: http://daedalus.liacs.nl/darts ############################################################################# release_20120828 ================ - Several bug-fixes and enhancements - Added further mapping options - Added option to specify the time unit (clock cycles or OS clock ticks) release_20120711 ================ - Support for optimized mapping - Support for Rate-Monotonic with Liu & Layland bound - Refactored the code - Several bug fixes release_20120427 ================ - Initial public relese - Supports for implicit-deadline and constrained-deadline periodic tasks - Supports platform generation and mapping assuming the following algorithms: * Partitioned Earliest-Deadline-First (EDF) + First-Fit allocation * Partitioned EDF + Worst-Fit allocation * Partitioned Rate Monotonic (with Utilization upper bound set to 0.65)